Wedge Well Screen

Wedge Well Screen

20.00 - 120.00 USD ($)/Piece

Product Details:


Wedge Well Screen Price And Quantity

  • 20.00 - 120.00 USD ($)/Piece
  • 200 Meter

Wedge Well Screen Trade Information

  • 60 Meter Per Day
  • 1 Week

Product Description

Wedge Wall Screen is the response to numerous de-watering, sizing and waste water cleanup problems. Run of the mill uses are sewage treatment, clothing wash water clean up, poultry, fish, fruits and vegetables waste water process, minerals processing, coal arrangement, paper production, textile plants, and so many others. A sieve bend comprises of a acetabular bended profile wire screen mounted in an edge with the screen openings opposite to the stream. A Wedge Wall Screen has more prominent limit than a level screen because of strengths applied as material streams against the bended surface.
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